
Welcome to CoLi’Brie

An association 1901

The association has been called CoLi'Brie since March 31, 2023. It was previously called Nangis Lude and was created in 2003. It is an association under the 1901 law. A non-profit association is a grouping of at least two people, who decide to pool resources, in order to carry out an activity with a primary goal other than their personal enrichment. In all cases, profits cannot be shared, which characterizes this form of business compared to others. It is a popular education association wanted by residents, managed since the beginning by residents. It has never stopped developing, its expertise has been built with all the players involved in Brie Nangissienne. "Popular education is a project for the democratization of education carried out by associations with the aim of supplementing school education and training citizens (Poujol, 1994, p. 356). Such a deliberately brief definition cannot convey takes into account this non-formal education that is difficult to define, which branches out into the areas of culture, social intervention, the social and solidarity economy, political action and of course education. we give are numerous, but generally speaking it is a question of facilitating access to knowledge, to culture, in order to develop awareness, emancipation and the exercise of citizenship, by using active pedagogies to make everyone an actor in their learning, which they share with others. Popular education considers its action essential to a democracy stimulated by responsible citizens (Richez, 2013). Verrier, Christian. “Popular education”, Christine Delory-Momberger ed., Vocabulary of life stories and biographical research. Erès, 2019, pp. 209-211.

Board of directors

The governance of CoLi'Brie is shared between residents, elected officials and partners. The CoLi'Brie Board of Directors is made up of: 12 members elected at the General Assembly, 4 elected officials appointed by the Community Council, partners co-opted for their expertise. More info here

The statuses

The statutes are the birth certificate of the association. They include information describing the object (or goal) of the association and its operating rules. The statutes of CoLi'Brie were adopted during the extraordinary general meeting of March 29, 2023 You can consult them by clicking here

The Rules

The internal regulations complete the statutes of CoLi'Brie. It defines more precisely the functioning of the association and the responsibilities of each person. It can be viewed by clicking here


To join the association, it is possible to donate €10 per household. But it is nevertheless advisable to give 10 hours of volunteering for a collective project in our region. For a structure, this is an amount of €60 to €100. But payment can also be the implementation of an action with Nangis Lude. You will find all the information allowing you to master membership by clicking here

Social centers

Everywhere in France, social centers are local structures which lead democratic debate, support mobilizations and resident projects, and build better living conditions, today and for tomorrow. They offer social, educational, cultural and family activities to meet the needs in the area. Above all, all of this is built and supported by residents. The social center is you!

To know more :



Brie Nangissienne

Brie Nangissienne is the product of the decentralization process, consisting of transferring decision-making powers and administrative skills from the State to local entities distinct from it. The Community of Communes was created on August 29, 2005 with 10 municipalities, by municipal will or by

legal obligation, the territory will gradually expand until 2017 to reach its current configuration.

Brie Nangissienne website here

The inhabitants

Brie Nangissienne is made up of sparsely populated residential communes comprising 3 main communes Nangis (8,710 inhabitants), Mormant (4,834 inhabitants) and Verneuil-l'Etang (3,237 inhabitants), then 17 communes of less than 1,500 inhabitants.

CoLi'Brie the 3 essentials

Reception, a team affair

A reception center is responsible, as its name suggests, for welcoming the public by telephone, in the front office, informing them and guiding them regarding our activities, but also those of numerous partners in the region.

However, everyone must be welcoming, everyone must know the project well and be able to inform any resident, partner, volunteer about our actions.

Hospitality and friendliness are central to each of our welcomes.

The social connection

Nangis Lude's work is to encourage the creation of links between everyone, our teams go out to meet all residents, including the most isolated. They offer spaces and times for meeting, exchange and debate allowing everyone to express themselves and enjoy friendly moments.

Participation of residents

The second essential mission of Nangis Lude is to encourage the participation of residents, the posture of the team is essential at this level in addition to the spaces designed for this and the pooling of equipment. Each idea and project must receive special attention from employees.

Social project

The social project is the keystone and the reference document of the structure for the animation of social life.

Established according to the social issues of the area of intervention and the resources available, it concretely translates the aims and missions of the structure into an action plan.

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