
First steps in Nangis Lude

The main stages of your integration

The CoLi'Brie team, you will see, is very active and very mobile. You will have to observe how it works for a few days to find your way in this anthill. However, we set up important times which allow us to welcome you as best as possible: Induction interview with the director Induction interview with the administrative referent (often on the day you take up the position) Induction interview with the staff representative (Appointment to be made upon your arrival) Interview with each pole referent (Appointment to be made upon your arrival) Occupational medicine visit upon invitation Installation and adaptation of the workstation, trombi photo A skill to cultivate: Welcome, hospitality are our essentials, good humor is essential as a team and each resident must feel expected and listened to. We have the habit of offering a hot drink to each person who arrives and taking a few minutes to welcome everyone properly. Your posture is essential, teamwork and mutual assistance are essential, we carry out sometimes difficult missions and everyone encounters difficulties and experiences failures. Dialogue is therefore something to be constantly sought after and cordiality is non-negotiable. The atmosphere is good (at least as often as possible), we have a good time as a team or with the volunteers. However, it is up to everyone to manage their missions and autonomy is a central mode of operation in our association. We actually work on the power to act, on emancipation, on empowerment (terms to look for if you don't know them). It is therefore essential that everyone is autonomous and, in fact, able to organize themselves to best manage their work. Shared management of our space and our equipment is essential to guarantee their good condition. Everyone makes sure to put away their equipment, leave the premises clean and respect the collective organization. Neutrality is central, no judgment should be made towards the inhabitants, particularly on their appearances, their beliefs or their opinions. We are here to welcome, listen and support everyone to live together and take action to improve society. We are led to hear personal, private information from residents, but also sometimes from colleagues. You must exercise the greatest discretion regarding what you are entrusted with. However, if a situation appears serious, dangerous or urgent to you, you must immediately report it to your manager or management.

Organizational chart

Operation is organized by division, the coordinators report hierarchically to the director and other employees report to their referent.


    The full team meeting takes place every first Thursday of the month The coordinators meet twice a month Each division organizes its own operation


    The Social and Economic Committee meets every month The staff representative and the director make it work The first team meeting of the year is dedicated to the needs of the team, quality of life at work, safety, CSE and other benefits.The CSE has its own budgetThe minutes of the CSE meetings are posted on the staff panel located in the corridor of the floor in Fontenailles.

Convention collective

    The collective agreement can be consulted by clicking here
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